Commonly Used Acronyms
Cisco Secure Email
ADFS: Active Directory Federation Services
AMP: Advanced Malware Protection
API: Application Programming Interface
APPC: Advanced Phishing Protection Console
AS (A/S): Anti-spam
AV (A/V): Anti-virus
BATV: Bounce Address Tag Validation
BEC: Business Email Compromise
BIMI: Brand Indicator Message Identification
CASE: Context Adaptive Scanning Engine
CDP (DMP): Cisco Domain Protection
CDR: Continuous Detection and Response
CES: Cloud Email Security — now Cisco Secure Email Cloud Gateway
CLI: Command Line Interface
CRES: (see RES)
CSA: Cisco Security Awareness
CTR: Cisco Threat Response
CUA: Cloud URL Analysis
DC: Data Center
DCID: Delivery Connection ID
DHAP: Directory Harvest Attack Prevention
DKIM: Domain Keys Identified Mail
DLP: Data Loss Prevention
DMARC: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DNS: Domain Name System
ESA: Email Security Appliance — now Cisco Secure Email Gateway
ESMTP: Extended (or Enhanced) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
ETD: Email Threat Defense (formerly known as Cloud Mailbox)
ETF: External Threat Feed
EUQ: End-user Quarantine (aka Spam Quarantine)
FA: File Analysis (Threat Grid)
FED: Forged Email Detection
FR: File Reputation (AMP)
GUI: Graphical User Interface
HAT: Host Access Table
ICID: Incoming Connection ID
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
IMS: Intelligent Multi-Scan
IoC: Indicator of Compromise
IPAS: IronPort Anti-Spam
ISQ: IronPort Spam Quarantine
LB: Load Balancer
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
MAR: Mailbox Auto Remediation
MFP: Mail Flow Policy
MID: Message ID
MX: Mail Exchange (DNS record)
NDR: Non-Delivery Report
NGUI: Next-Generation User Interface
NTP: Network Time Protocol
PoC: Proof of Concept
PoV: Proof of Value
PXE: PostX Encryption
RAT: Recipient Access Table
REPENG: Reputation Engine
RID: Recipient ID
RES: Registered Envelope Service
S&R: Search and Remediate
SAML: Security Assertion Markup Language
SBG: Security Business Group
SBRS: Sender Base Reputation Service
SDR: Sender Domain Reputation
SLBL: Safe List Block List
SMA: Security Management Appliance — now Cisco Secure Email Email and Web Manager
S/MIME: Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol
SOC: Security Operations Center
SPF: Sender Policy Framework
SSL: Secure Sockets Layer
TA: Threat Analyzer
TLS: Transport Layer Security
TME: Technical Marketing Engineer
TOC: Threat Operations Center
UI: User Interface
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
vESA (ESAv/ESAV): Virtual Email Security Appliance
vSMA (SMAv/SMAV): Virtual Security Management Appliance
VOF: Virus Outbreak Filtering
WBRS: Web Base Reputation Service
WSA: Web Security Appliance
XML: Extensible Markup Language
2FA: (2) Two-Factor Authentication
Updated about 1 year ago